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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cassava pudding of Pudding Recipes

Cassava is a traditional food which turned out to be a variety of different food is very tasty. Cassava always fit when processed into traditional snack and even modern. To create a snack that is not bitter cassava choose, because the bitter starch be good only because the starch content of many. To choose a good cassava, break a little tip. If there is a blue section means that you should not buy long-cassava. And it is said that the color red better than white.

From made into small snacks like spring rolls, lemper, onde-onde, even layer cake cassava cake with the basic ingredients of this we can also make a delicious pudding and very inspiring our appetite. Curious ya ... how do I make it so long, we try together 

Material :
  • 100 grams of cassava peeled, steamed and mashed
  • 600 ml coconut milk (from 1 / 2 coconuts)
  • 2.5 packet agar-agar powder
  • 100 grams of brown sugar
  • 2 pieces of pandan leaf
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs egg white
  • 50 grams sugar
  • 25 grams sago pearls in green and red
  • (Sago can be soaked in hot water once boiled first or seethe)
How to Make :
  • First boiled cassava with coconut milk, agar-agar powder, brown sugar, salt and pandan leaves, stirring frequently until boiling. Set aside first.
  • Beat the egg whites until fluffy then add half sugar little by little sambail whipped until fluffy.
  • Pour the pudding stew was bit by bit slowly while still beating with the flat. Then add sago pearls and mix evenly.
  • Pour the batter into the pan tulban diameter of 22 cm high 6 cm then freeze.