1 fruit (2 kg) seedless red watermelon
2 tablespoons honey
400 g type nashi pear, peeled *)
Ice cube
* Cut the watermelon in half.
* dredging part ½ using Mellon baller until a round. Keep refrigerated Save the shell as a bowl semangkanya renderers.
* For ½ the other watermelon, rake clean flesh and puree with honey in a blender until the juice. Store in refrigerator.
* pear slices as thin as 1 cm round. Print in the form of tiny flowers. Set aside.
* Pour the watermelon juice into watermelon shell. Enter a watermelon that has been printed round and pears that have been printed flowers.
* Give ice cubes. Serve immediately.
*) Pear nashi type: Known as the Korean pear, light brown skin. Sweet taste.
For 6 cups
Calories per cup: 128 cal
Thank you! I've been looking for this for a while now! Thanks again!